Caldew Lea Primary School (CLPS) Statement of Over-arching Curriculum Intent
Caldew Lea Primary School’s curriculum aims to provide every child with a school experience which ensures they are equipped to succeed, flourish and be the best they can be in modern British society. The CLPS curriculum is engrained in the principle that our children must be fully equipped with the knowledge and skills they need in order to access and take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences, both throughout their time in school and in later life.
Our curriculum intent is bound by the fundamental principle that through delivering an enriching curriculum programme which starts and ends with the needs of our children, we will address the gaps in knowledge and skills our pupils typically start school with, enabling us to purposefully address disadvantage from the outset.
We aim to teach a full, broad and inclusive curriculum which is underpinned by high expectation and ambition for every pupil, in particular the comparatively high proportion of disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND who attend our school. To achieve this, reading is given the highest priority in our school to facilitate meaningful access to the full taught curriculum for every child. The development of spoken and written language, within a vibrant, language rich environment runs parallel to this and is central to our curriculum intent.
Delivering the vital cultural capital which prepares children with the essential knowledge and skills to secure their futures is key to our ambition for children. By providing a rich variety of experiences beyond the classroom, we seek to expand our children’s horizons and equip them to approach opportunities and challenges with confidence, resilience and determination, enabling them to thrive and prosper in a diverse and ever-changing world.
Curriculum Content
At Caldew Lea Primary School, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which follows the requirements of the National Curriculum. This is supplemented by the use of the following schemes for subjects:
- Discovery Education for the teaching of religious education
- Developing Experts for the teaching of science
- Charanga for the teaching of music
- White Rose Hub for the teaching of Maths
Phonics is taught using the Read Write Inc. Scheme starting in Early Years Foundation Stage with Fresh Start intervention sessions supporting children in Upper Key Stage Two. French is delivered in weekly sessions across Key Stage Two in line with the expectation of the National Curriculum. PSHE sessions are delivered weekly following the PSHE Association’s long-term plan and content is also delivered through assemblies and enhancement days.
More information can be found on each subject can be found by clicking the links below.
At Caldew Lea Primary School, we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all. We harness a culture of inclusion by ensuring that all children have the opportunity to learn their age-related objectives in line with the National Curriculum. Teacher’s plan for adjustments in their weekly and medium-term plans to ensure that our curriculum is accessible to all learners regardless of their need. We believe that diversity is our strength and should be celebrated and respected by all those who learn in, teach in and visit our school.
Please see our SEND information page by clicking this link for more information, or click here to find our SEN policy. You can also contact our school SENCO.
Pupils with English as an Additional Language
At Caldew Lea Primary School, we are proud of our inclusive, nurturing care for all. We celebrate the fact that a number of our pupils speak and/or write more than one language at different levels of fluency at home. We also acknowledge their ability to communicate using a variety of community languages. However, a rising number of pupils are now joining our school with limited or no English, so it is our aim to:
- settle pupils as quickly as possible, into school life
- encourage them to take part in the daily routines and structures to help them develop an understanding of the academic aspects of English and use the language as a social interaction. We work alongside parents/guardians to ensure a smooth transition into school, with translators, within our staff, to assist if needed at our entry interview.
We believe that this interview is vital to:
- help pupils settle into their new environment as smoothly as possible.
- find out details about pupils past school experiences,
- their preferred methods of learning
- their previous exposure to English
- find out any traumatic experiences that the children might have had.
Please read our English as an Additional Language Policy here
At Caldew Lew Primary School, we have a high focus on pupil’s SMSC development (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) and understanding of the fundamental British Values in order to equip children to become respectful, responsible and resilient citizens, who can positively contribute towards society. For more information on how this is developed in each subject please look at each specific subject.
Cumbria Education Trust Curriculum
As part of CET the primary schools have worked together to create a bespoke Primary Curriculum, which has been developed from the National Curriculum. In school, we use the CET base curriculum and adjust this ensure that this is carefully adapted to meet the unique needs of our children and locality.
Long term Plans for the academic year 2022 / 2023 can be found at the bottom of this page. These long-term plans ensure that the curriculum offer is exciting, broad and balanced.
English and Maths leaders have explored the national curriculum and have developed a long-term plan for teachers to follow to ensure continuity and coverage of all the core elements from the national curriculum.
Teachers are able to plan, deliver and assess all learning skills to ensure learning is matched for need.
Our links with the CET, also mean that children benefit from strong PE links with our MAT secondary schools. Through these links our pupils benefit from PE coaching that enhances the PE provision within our school. Miss Holliday is our Sports Coach for school and will lead and plan sessions for children across school, in addition to running sports after school clubs. We also take the opportunity to participate in many trust wide sports festivals and competition.
Our pupils enjoy the learning here at Caldew Lea Primary School, we hope that this brief overview gives you a flavour of the learning culture here, please feel free to come and have a look for yourself. We welcome visitors to our school, so if you would like to book a visit, you can find the contact details on the ‘About Us’ tab at the top of our website.
Autumn Nursery Medium Term Plan
Autumn Reception Medium Term Plan