Welcome to the Year 3/4 Power Rangers!
Here in the Power Rangers, we strive to be the best we can be every single day by demonstrating our core values – Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.
Our Teachers
The Power Rangers are taught by Miss Tinkler, we have Miss Temple, Miss Cowan and Mrs Birch supporting in class throughout the week.
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Please can PE kits be in school on these days, it is important each item is clearly labelled with your child’s name to help us identify their belongings. Earring will need to be removed for PE to prevent any accidents, if your child cannot remove their earrings independently please cover with tape before they come into school.
Any messages can be sent directly to Miss Tinkler via our Class Dojo page. These will be acknowledged and responded to during school hours. If a message is urgent, please contact the school office. Alternatively, staff are always available to answer any questions at the end of the school day.
We ask that all children at Caldew Lea read for at least 10 minutes daily to build their fluency in reading, reading is a vital aspect for children’s progress and development in school. Please sign your child’s reading record whenever they read at home. Spelling and times table homework will be set each Monday to be returned on Friday.
Attendance and Punctuality
It is vital that all children come to school organised and prepared for the day ahead. Punctuality is key as our learning begins from 8:40am – children complete a morning task each day which is linked directly to their learning and development. This not only supports their learning but helps the children to feel settled and ready for the day ahead.