Welcome to the Year 1&2 Marvellous Marvels

We are taught by Miss Dickson and supported by Miss Jackson every morning. In the Marvellous Marvels, we strive to demonstrate our core values- Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.


We start everyday with our ReadWriteInc phonics sessions. These start promptly at 9am so being on time is essential. Your child will bring home a new reading book each week, that they will have been taught how to read in school. We encourage you to listen to your child read daily at home for at least 10 minutes.

Weekly spelling homework will also be set on a dojo and spelling shed.

Our Learning

Please look at our long-term plan on Caldew Lea Primary School website for more information about what we will be learning in class this year.

Keep an eye on dojo to also keep up to date on what we have been learning each week.

Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has a PE kit left in school as this can sometimes change. It is important your child’s clothes are clearly labelled to help us identify their belongings.


Any messages can be sent directly to Miss Dickson via our Class Dojo page. These will be acknowledged and responded to during school hours. If a message is urgent, please contact the school office. Alternatively, staff are always available to answer any questions at the end of the school day.

If you would like to visit the class to share a story or alternatively share a special skill with the children, please get in touch with Miss Dickson via dojo to arrange this.