Our Whole School Values
Our CET shared values of ‘Respect, Responsibility and Resilience’ are the foundation of all we do in school.
We Show
Respect: for ourselves, for each other, for the community we live in, for the wider world
We have
Responsibility; for our own actions, for the impact they have on others, to make our school community a happy thriving place to be
We are
Resilient; in taking on new challenges, in persevering when things get tough, in encouraging ourselves and others to ‘be the best we can be’.
Our Curriculum Values
Caldew Lea Primary School’s curriculum aims to provide every child with a school experience which ensures they are equipped to succeed, flourish and be the best they can be in modern British Society. The CLPS curriculum is engrained in the principle that our children must be fully equipped with the knowledge and skills they need in order to access and take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences, both throughout their time in school and in later life.
Our curriculum intent is bound by the fundamental principle that through delivering an enriching curriculum programme which starts and ends with the needs of our children, we will address the gaps in knowledge and skills our pupils typically start school with, enabling us to purposefully address disadvantage from the outset.
We aim to teach a full, broad and inclusive curriculum which is underpinned by high expectation and ambition for every pupil, in particular the comparatively high proportion of disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND who attend our school. To achieve this, reading is given the highest priority in our school to facilitate meaningful access to the full taught curriculum for every child. The development of spoken and written language, within a vibrant, language rich environment runs parallel to this and is central to our curriculum intent.
Delivering the vital cultural capital which prepares children with the essential knowledge and skills to secure their futures is key to our ambition for children. By providing a rich variety of experiences beyond the classroom, we seek to expand our children’s horizons and equip them to approach opportunities and challenges with confidence, resilience and determination, enabling them to thrive and prosper in a diverse and ever-changing world.