Welcome to The Invincibles!

We are taught by Miss Whalley and supported by Mrs Mulraine every morning.

You can contact us on Class Dojo or via email by contacting lwhalley@caldewlea.cumbria.sch.uk

In The Invincibles, we work hard to follow our three values of respect, resilience and responsibility so that we can be the best that we can be!


Our Learning

Look at our long-term plan for more information about what we will be learning in class this year. All of our learning links to the National Curriculum to allow children to be successful in Key Stage One and beyond.



We start everyday with our ReadWriteInc phonics sessions. These start promptly at 9am so being on time is essential. Your child will bring home two new reading books each week, that they will have been taught how to read in school. This means that they will be able to show you how fantastic at reading they are. Help us to celebrate your child’s reading by listening to them read regularly at home.

Weekly spelling homework will also be set on a Friday. These will be set on Spelling Shed to allow your child to practise these. Please let Miss Whalley know if you misplace your log in.

For more information on our phonics scheme please contact Miss Whalley via email or Class Dojo.



We are working hard to secure our counting skills and number bonds. In Key Stage One, we count from 0-100. There are loads of counting songs at home that you can try. We are also trying to secure our addition and subtraction facts to ten and twenty.



Our PE days are on a Tuesday and Friday, although these can ,and usually do, change. Please make sure that children have a PE kit in school at all times, which includes sensible footwear. All earrings should be removed for PE sessions. We recommend that your child’s PE kit is left on their peg in school.


Celebrating Learning

Our Class Dojo Page is updated weekly to celebrate our learning. Here you will find lots of pictures of our learning so please keep checking in with this.

Weekly celebration assemblies happen every Friday and we celebrate as a whole school with Miss Weston. Children have two chances for a certificate, with class teachers awarding a certificate for fantastic reading and Miss Weston awards special certificates for 3 R Stars. These are the children who go above and beyond to follow our key values.

Children also collect dojo points on Class Dojo and these can be awarded by any staff member. We are currently aiming for every child to reach 50 dojos so we can have a special treat!


Parent Support

We know that a child’s success in school is supported by having a strong home-school relationship. We love to have visitors to our class to share a story or to listen to readers. Please contact Miss Whalley if you would like to drop in as we would love to see you. If you have any special skills, which you would like to share with the children then please get in touch, as we would love to hear from you!