Dear Caldew Lea Families,
I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely summer (despite the lack of sunshine) and are looking forward to the return to school now. Term begins on Wednesday 6th September at 8.40am and we can’t wait to see the children bright and early in their new school uniforms.
A reminder: it is our firm expectation that all children attend school in full school uniform including: school trousers, skirt or pinafore; navy jumper or cardigan; red polo shirt and plain black shoes. I appreciate that branded jumpers are expensive and that some of you have had difficulty ordering uniform from the Uniform Shop – plain navy jumpers and red polos without the school logo are acceptable, but school colours must be worn. Long hair should be tied back and the only jewellery permitted are stud earrings (not hoops) and watches. Dyed coloured hair is not permitted.
As you know, due to our rapid expansion in numbers, we are adding an extra class this year. A post will follow later today with information on which teachers / classes are where in case anyone isn’t sure. The school office will be able to take telephone enquiries etc on Tuesday and the lunch menu will follow shortly. Please remember to top up your child’s account.
Finally, enjoy the last few days and a bit of sunshine!
See you on Wednesday,
Miss Weston