We could not be more PROUD to announce that Ofsted has officially rated Caldew Lea Primary School as a Good school!
Two of the five categories – ‘Behaviour and Attitude’ and ‘Personal Development’ – were rated as Outstanding, with a dazzling report to back up the results.
Key highlights from the report include:
- “Pupils flourish at this school. They speak kindly to each other and to the adults in school who care for them well”
- “Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), respond well to the high expectations that the school has of their achievement”
- “The school accurately identifies the additional needs of pupils with SEND”
- “Pupils access a rich range of activities that make an impressive contribution to their wider development”
- “The published data does not reflect the strengths of the educational offer at this school. Most current pupils achieve well”
- “Staff use their subject knowledge expertly to identify and address any gaps or misconceptions that pupils may have in their learning”
- “The school makes sure that pupils benefit from a varied personal development program that is full of powerful experiences”
- “Staff are extremely proud to work at the school. Parents hold the school in high regard”.
Ayesha Weston, Headteacher, said: “We have dedicated ourselves to improving the life chances of our amazing children, and the outcomes from the inspection speak for themselves. We are absolutely delighted by these well-earned ratings, which demonstrate the remarkable strides our school has taken in providing a nurturing, enriching and secure environment for our children, families and staff.”
Lorrayne Hughes, Chief Executive of Cumbria Education Trust, said: “I am delighted with these much-deserved results at Caldew Lea Primary School and I am delighted for Ayesha and her team receiving an official recognition of all of their hard work”.
If you would like to enrol your child at CLPS, there are only a few spaces left for September so please contact office@caldewlea.cumbria.sch.uk as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.