Congratulations to our Superstar Learners and Headteacher Award winners, this week!

We are SO proud of our winners this week as their achievements range from responding excellently to teacher feedback in their books, to making massive strides in their reading improvement, to improvements in writing and even people who have turned over a new leaf!

Everyone deserves a huge well done ☺️

Everyone deserves a well-earned half-term break too. Enjoy your holiday and let’s hope we get some nice weather!

See you all bright and early at 8:40am on Monday 30th October.



Congratulations to…The Year 5&6 Justice League and EYFS Paw Patrol who are this week’s attendance winners! They have had a marvellous week and smashed the attendance award this week with achieving 98%!! That is exactly what we are looking for and what a great example our older pupils are showing to the rest of the school.

Children who are achieving the most are those who have attendance of 95% or above. Please ensure your child is in school and on time, ready to learn.

Please encourage your child to have a good attitude towards learning as this will allow them to grow and flourish. Please be aware that the local authority and the government’s Department for Education have instructed all schools to focus on poor attendance and to support adults at home in ensuring their children are in school.

Thank you for your continued support